Welcome to SAFEPASS PJC,
the Projects & Construction métier safety training website.

2022 Summer break: August 6-15

No SAFEPASS certificate or account validations will be done during this time

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This site offers PJC staff members support for monitoring their HSE training courses, in accordance with the framework set by the reference documents (CR EP PJC 421, CR EP HSE 081 and 082).

It is everyone's responsibility to request the creation of his "SAFEPASS PJC" account and keep it up to date

User guide

The information collected is subject to a handling process designed to monitor safety training of employees of the E&P métier.

The recipients of the data are hierarchies, and any person responsible for monitoring the compliance of the rules related to the mandatory training matrix for the position.
In accordance with the regulations, You have a right to access and rectify your information, which you can exercise by contacting the entity responsible for your training.

You can also, for legitimate reasons, oppose the processing of your data.